Monday, May 28, 2007

Is "Doctor Bremelanotide" a Quack?


While scouring the net for some new information about Bremelanotide, I spotted what initially appeared to be an interesting inside source... a blog post by someone at Adison University claiming to have spoken with a woman "working now on a hormone called bremelanotide pheromone (code name PT141)". (that blog entry)

But, as anyone who really knows about Bremelanotide is aware... it isn't a hormone.

And THEN "she" apparently described it as "a very, very poweful pheromone". But no, it isn't a pheromone either!

D'uh - everyone knows Bremelanotide is a cyclic hepta-peptide lactam analog of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) that activates the melanocortin receptors MC3-R and MC4-R in the central nervous system... right? :)

Well, that was from wikipedia, but even so, I even know that it isn't a hormone or a pheremone - so you'd think a woman 'working on' Bremelanotide would know what it was. Or at least what it wasn't.

Oh yeah, and when the 'reporter/journalist'... asked about gay men and lesbians, this woman apparently said she "thinks it will raise their sexual interest level but the research has not been done yet" (emphasis added by me)... Again, an answer anyone familiar with Bremelanotide would know.

If it works on rat brains and 'straight brains', it's certainly going to work the same way on 'gay brains'. LOL - although I am aware of limited studies that seem to show there *is* a part of the brain that differs between straight and gay (men?). Not sure of the details, and as well results may be fuddled because the gay brain autopsies were done on AIDs victims iirc... but I digress...

And the clincher of the article came at the end, when the woman 'expert' said: "the secret of its chemistry has already leaked out and labs in other nations have begun making and selling bremelanotide (PT-141) as a perfume “fragrance."

True enough some shady websites are promising to create and mail out Bremelanotide - but I have yet to see any confirmed reports that the stuff works (and many would involve injecting their mysterious concoction, not snorting it). But more importantly, Bremelanotide is NOT a fragrance or perfume or otherwise anything you SMELL. It is a nasal mist like 'Dristan" - you snort it up your nose... you don't just smell it.

Geez there is a lot of disinformation on the net. Personally I only believe what I read in the press reports and on the Palatin Technologies website itself, along with the periodic summaries on the "Bremelanotide Bulletin". Or wikipedia, although the info there is very limited and very "dry".

But I'm still looking forward to Bremelanotide's release and hope it comes soon! :-)

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